Friday, 24 January 2014

M... M... Marriage!?

I know, I know! Calm yourself!! No one wants to hear it or talk about it well face it, you're probably going to get married to that cousin of yours abroad and you will do anything you want to avoid it! Right!? Well if that's how you feel maybe you shouldn't be marrying that person! jokes. 8-)

So I'm not going to talk about the lovey dovey side of marriage even though us girls are freaking dying for it, and dream about the most beautiful wedding and PERFECT husband! Instead I'm going to talk about the things that people actually don't even know about the true beauty of marriage.

I wonder why a lot of youth now days put marriage off as a thing that they will get to after they finish UNI, or after they get a job and after they get money and after this and after that, and by then their hitting the big 30! And By then it'll be too late because all the people who were clever and YOUNG are all TAKEN! No more left for you.. :( 

What people don't realise is the beauty of getting married young and I don't mean 13 or something because this society has literally made it illegal too! But I mean like 18+ when maybe your mentally ready to..

Allah knows when you are ready for the responsibility of Marriage.. and NO it isn't all about the time you spend with the husband! When you marry a guy, you marry the family too.. So technically you need to be able to look after an entire family! Can you even look after yourself?! Allah will give you a man when you are ready In Sha Allah.

One thing that kind of realllllyyyyyyyyyy annoys me is when girls go on and on about marriage and marrying this PERFECT guy!

Marriage CVs be like...:

1. Handsome
2. Doctor
3. Hafeez
4. Alim
5. 6'0
6. Perfect
7. Looks after me
8. Treats me like a queen
9. Got his own house cuz I ain't be living with his parents -___-
10. Gotta have lots of monnaaayyy!
11. Oh and did I mention PERFECT, Yeah that too... :)

LIKE SERIOUSLY!? PLEASE, If you find one let me know!!! :|

Of course every girl and guy wants the perfect partner but the first thing you need to do is be the PERFECT person! When choosing the right husband look for DEEN! That should be the KEY! You need someone who will wake YOU up for Fajr and someone who always reminds you about your deen! SOMEONE who will take you to JANNAH!! Dont reject a PIOUS proposal! Dont chase this dunya, you need someone who will be there in this life as well as the hereafter! In Sha Allah

Surah 24. An-Nur, Ayah 26

Bad women are for Bad men, and Bad men are for Bad women; and pure women are for pure men, and pure men are for pure women. They are free from the slanderer's accusations; for them there shall be forgiveness and honorable provision from Allah.

See Proof! Good for good and bad for bad! It doesn't get any more simple!!

Marriage prevents you from SOOOOO much sins! like incredible! You would have wished you were married sooner if you knew how much.. Zina is the biggest sin that people commit because they dont get married!

As one of my best friends said " If your old enough to commit Zina, You're old enough to get married!" (Hena)

hehe! And its TRUE! If you can have a boy friend then make it halal and marry him!!? Unless its temporary then your loss. 

But anyway I'm not gonna continue to blab on about this as it's a hugeee topic! But I just wanted to put it out there that.. 

Don't expect perfect when you cant be perfect! 


P.S for those looking for a spouse I recommend you watch this video!!