Monday, 18 November 2013

Finding the best of friends.. (My Friends)

Everyone needs the best company they can find and people don't understand how important it is to have the best of friends! They are the people who you spend most of your time with.. They have the biggest influence on you..

The prophet (s.a.w.s) Said: "You are better off alone than with bad company"
Well how right is he (S.a.w.s)...

If your seen with a group of people who smoke and you don't.. the smell will rub off on you and people would think that you're part of them.. right?

If you're seen with a group of guys and maybe you're relationship with them is completely normal and innocent but people will think that your in a relationship with one of them... You're reputation will go down the drain.. They'll probably call you a slut.. At the end of the day you know its true, even if you are blinded by the guys 'Sweetness' O.K IF YOU SAY SO.

Anyway.. I feel like people need to hear about the type of friends I have.. BECAUSE you better go find some like mineeeee!

Jokes, I feel like maybe some of you don't realise who "GOOD" Friends are.. and maybe if you compare yours to mine you can find out if your really mixing with the right crowd..

The first thing I would like to say about my friends.. is that THEY are the reason I am who I am TODAY. and I know that might sound cheesy but its true. They are the reason I started wearing Hijab, They are the reason why I am motivated to study the Deen, they are the reason WHY I do this blog. And honestly this is all because and for them..

This goes out to all my girlfriends! You need to know exactly what I think of you and you need to know that I don't want you guys to change in anyway! People need to know what friends are really about...

NOW LISTEN UP! :) please.

DISCLAIMER: This is in no particular order.. I Love all my girls so SHUSSH!


Okay, Might wanna get some tissues you know cuz things about to get personal! You know what im Sayyyyinnngg! LOL :P

1. Right so the first person I'm gonna talk about is my beautiful friend ANISHA! Right so firstly, This girl is the only girl in our group of 7 who doesn't wear hijab.. Now when are you gonna start gurlll!! You're ruining our look!! GOSH! (Jokes..not joking jokes.. 8-)) She is one of the most beautiful, smart and amazing person I have ever met.. I swear to God these girls are my sisters not friends.. She can come to my house and open the fridge like its her own.. She part of my family.. Everytime I see her or spend time with her Its like perfect every time! I wish that she lived with me and I love her to pieces.. I cannot believe God blessed me with her.. Whenever I see her I don't want to let her go! I can talk to her about anything and everything.. Ahh wow she's mine, If anything every happened between us (Which In Sha Allah wont) I will probably stay in my room all day and wont eat or anything and just pray that she came back to me! (Okay now i sound like a perv) BUT YEAH!! :P Honestly, She prays, fasts and everything! you would never expect it! I love the way she's so strong about her opinion and she won't say what she doesn't mean..! She will never stab you in the back.. Instead she'll come and say something to your face if your wrong! Whether you like it or not! I pray in sha Allah in time Allah gives her the strength to wear hijab cuz tbh thats all she needs! I Don't even need to worry about her because She's PERFECT! and she's my blondy and I love her so much and she is amazing and she's mine. k. thanks. bye.

I could say more about all of my friends but I think i would need to create like 6 blog posts about each one and that's just too much!! :| lol

2. Next person will have to be... HENA!!!! Now this girl.. I have one word to describe her.. A FIGHTER.. I have never ever in my whole LIFE met someone like this girl.. OMG! She is the strongest one out of ALL of us put together! and you know the funny part is that shes the smallest.. hehe (sorry hena) LOL But its true this girl is Incredible.. If there was anyone who Shaytaan would need to fight to divert, it would be Hena.. She strives to become a better Muslim and I swear that's where my inspiration is from.. I have never seen anyone so deteremine to try her best no matter how hard it would be to follow the deen! Incredible.. I cannot describe her well enough because this doesn't do justice.. I love her so much! I look up or down ummm kinda to her! LOL she's amazing.. She is the definition of Allah's words when he says " If you walk towards me, I will run to you" She did exactly that and Allah gave her the best! And I pray Allah gives her the strength to carry on as she is.. The Prophet ﷺ said, “When Allah loves a servant, He tests him,” [Tirmidhi]. .. And honestly I wish Allah loved me as much as he does with Hena.. Such an amazing person.. If there was anyone I would go to for strength it would be her.. Love you so much <3

Oh gosh, Got a bit teary eye there! LOL

Okay next.. 2 down, 4 to go!

3. Next is.... IQRAH!! Omg, Honestly when I first met Iqrah I was scared as Hewwwwlll! She has one of those like bitch stares that can CUT right through you! :( LOL but that's the funny part cuz she's like so amazing soo different!! Our first convos were just incredible! lol (Marriage and all) LOL But anyway.. Iqrah.. Has to be the person who I underestimated.. Let me give you a quick background on Iqrah.. A* Student, Beautiful, Non hijabi to hijabi (So grateful I was there to witness that) And just such a strong minded person! NO ONE! No one on this EARTH can take down haider! NOTHIN! She has morals! Shes strong, she will never go against what she believes in! NEVER I TELL YOU!! If there was anyone I would choose as an Older sister it would be Iqrah.. She would tell me straight!! LOL Slap me silly if i did anything wrong! But thats what I love about her.. She soooo easy to talk to and people don't understand that.. Its the face.. :P jokes!No honestly.. I love her to bits! We have the most jokes! Maths time.. <3 NAUGHTY!!! LOL ahh gosh, I think thats the thing I miss about her the most.. She has been there for me through everything! I learnt strength from Iqrah.. <3 Such a Strong beautiful woman..

4. Okay.. NEXT! urmmm Let's go with my beautiful AISHA!!!!!! Right, The first I would like to say about this woman is she is the most elegant, classy lady I have ever met in my life!! Like seriously, this girl seems like an angel.. So pure and clean.. The way she walks, talks, eats and everything is just perfect and elegant.. I actually find it hard to believe at times.. I feel like a tramp around her even at my best -__- LOL No jokes but still.. This woman.. is one of the most strongest woman ever! She is the definition of a perfect daughter! I have never met someone so pure and strong the way Aisha is.. And honestly.. I give most of the credit to Aisha's Mum.. You think Aisha is incredible.. Can you IMAGINE her mum!? No you cant.. She is the reason why Aisha is the way she is.. And Sometimes I wish I was Aisha's Mums friend than Aisha  8-) LOL jokes I do but I love Aisha so much.. Such an Incredible person.. So passionate and such a Girly girl! Omg! She's Beautiful.. She is my role model out of everyone in our group.. Such an inspriation.. You know its crazy but you can actually see the noor in her face.. Masha Allah So beautiful.. Her appearance is like an angel! She so easy to talk to! So beautiful.. I look up to her soo much! I would class her more like a mum than a sister honestly! The funny thing is.. shes the youngest out of the group!! LOL I love her.. Everyone needs an Aisha in their group.. <3

5. Wooo!! okay 1 more to go! Next up! My Tazzzyyy Spazzyy! LOL Omg this girl makes me laugh.. Shes such a posh girl! She is also a fighter.. Such a strong person yet sooooo gentle!! I always look out for taz like a little sister! Shes just everything I would love my daughter to be.. <3 Its so funny shes actually one of those people where she would ask for someone's opinion, even though your opinion wouldn't change her mind! LOL She such an incredible passion for history! You wouldn't expect her to be! But when she is passionate for something she will strive until she gets it! And that's one thing I love about her.. I remember when she would come to me and say how she wanted to change and actually make that change without question! It would make me soo happy! She would also put Islam before anything and tries her best to be the best muslim she could be.. No one could tell Taz otherwise! She would try her best to work towards something no matter how hard it may be.. She would be such an amazing mum! I wish she lived in my house and told me off for all the stupid and careless things I do.. -__- lol.. Another amazing point about Taz is that she doesn't live for anyone! She doesn't live to please people! If she's happy then she doesn't care! I wish that I had that quality about her.. She can say NO! Live to please the Creator not the creation.. <3

6. Okay, Finally... Drumm roll.. Last but not least.. My cutie IKRAAAAA! Ikra, Is the oldest and the most immature out of all of us! She such a cutie though.. omg! She's soo amazing! She strives and tries her best to be the best Muslim she can.. The day she told me she wanted to go Hajj literally melted my heart.... She's so passionate about Islam.. I wish I spent more time with her.. We had soo many free times to talk about Islam.. We would go on for hours and hours! She made me more and more passionate about Islam every time I would speak to her it would be like my spirit was re lifted! I don't know what gift she has but Damn! I wish she was with me all the time to help me out throughout the day.. She's so beautiful and I swear she doesn't look a day over 15 -__- lool! The amount of change I have seen from Ikra is amazing.. She surprises me every time! Everytime I see her shes a brand new person! So passionate and always striving.. Everyone needs someone like Ikra to consistently bring you up! Its amazing how her personality is.. one moment she would be the most innocent and sweet person.. then the next if someone says or does anything to anyone she cares about she will fight back like a tiger!!! RAWR!!! LOL Amazing!! She is the only person who will stick up for you no matter what without hesitation!! She will tell you how it is!! That's why I love her so dearly.. So amazing.. Love you soooooo much! <3

Okay so!! DONE!! WOO! Sorry this was really long and maybe not relevant to anyone but I needed to give me friends credit for what I do.. I miss them no much and Cant wait to see them next!!

Any way.. Moral of this post.. It takes time to find the perfect friends and trust me I went to hell and back with past friends to get to where I am now but now I'm at a point where these are my True friends and I will never want to lose them over anything..

Trust me be patient and pray Allah sends you the perfect friends that will constantly remind you about your deen.. You need friends that will take you to Jannah! Not drag you to hell..

You company needs to be blessed by Allah..

And being around my friends.. I feel BLESSED! <3 Masha' Allah to all of them..

Thank you for staying till the end if you did..

Next post is about Music! Stay tuned.. (See what I did there) :P

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Praying at School, Uni, or work

A lot of people find it hard to pray during school, uni or work..

The first thing that everyone needs to realise is that the 5 daily prayers are soooooo easy to work around! Again, people like to make their lives really hard! If you know that within your free period or lunch time that you can still pray then PRAY! Don't delay the prayers!

Allah says: “Verily, the prayer is prescribed for the believers at set times.” [Surah An-Nisaa: 103]

The Prophet (sallAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “Whoever sleeps over (the time of) prayer or forgets it, should pray it when he remembers. There is no expiation for him except this.” [28]

This is the state of someone who has missed a prayer or several prayers due to some reason that is beyond his control.

Now read that again.. Beyond his control... If you don't try then its your fault.. If you know that you can go prayer then you have to.. Don't make silly excuses. Majority or work, school and uni allow you to prayer whenever necessary so take advantage of that time.. I'm sure that if your in the middle of a practical you can quickly just stop and go pray maybe somewhere near by or even in the closest quiet room! You need to start putting Allah first then everything will become easy for you :) In sha Allah

Allah says: “Allah does not burden a soul with more than it could bear.” [Surah Al-Baqarah: 286] 

What is Allah saying in this ayah.. It's not only related to prayer its for everything.. Every Calamity that falls on you it is never something that you wouldn't be able to handle.. But in this case prayer shouldn't be a burden on you. It has been made easy for you.. It should be something you look forward to.. right??

The 5 daily prayers was once 40 times a day! Then the prophet (S.a.w.s) asked Allah to lower it down more and more until He made it to 5. Look how easy it is for us.. 5-10 minutes a day! That's it!

The one who prays Fajr will have his face full of Noor (shining light) 

The one who prays Zohar will get the blessings of Allah on his paycheck/salary 
The one who prays 'Asr will have strong and healthy body 
The one who prays Maghrib will get benefit from his children (eg no nursing home for him !!) 
The one who prays 'Isha will get peaceful restful sleep at night 

So when planning your day out make sure you know that you can make time for your Salah because its the most important! If you think you wont be able to make it in time for prayer when you get home then wait for it to come then leave Uni or school. It's the only thing for yourself! That will benefit yourself. In Sha Allah!

I know that its quite hard to find time during lessons and lectures when your at school or uni but I'm sure that you can ask the teacher if you could leave to pray, I doubt they would ever say no! The perfect times to pray Zuhr and Asr during school is Lunch and after school. It was the perfect time because all the classrooms would be free and you have enough time to pray. Make sure you find a room beforehand so that you know exactly where to go and if you don't have a room, create one! Then that would inspire other sisters or brothers to go pray too... Allah does say that he has made this world a prayer mat for us! 

Nowadays, Most universities and work places have prayer facilities! Now, you have NO excuse! who cares how far it is from your block! The further the better!!! Every step you take towards that place your getting more reward! The Sahabas used to take inch steps to the mosque because they wanted to get the most reward for every step! They took everything so literal! It might sound funny but they didn't care! Everyone was fighting for Jannah! Now who do you think will get the highest? You or them.. Even if you can't compare yourself to them you should perspire to be just like them!

Just think how much reward you would get if you inspired others to pray with you! Even if they saw you and they felt just that little bit of guilt you will get the reward for it in sha Allah!

So don't be afraid to walk out of a lecture, a lesson or work to go pray and come back in..Sit towards the front! Closest to the door! That shows that you don't fear ANYONE But Allah! Why are you embarrassed that people are staring at you when you walk in or walk out.. Lower your gaze! You won't even notice them! Isn't that better not seeing bad things, because then you don't feel bad or embarrassed right? You don't see people giving you dirty looks or talking about you.. because then it doesn't effect you.. :) 

What you don't see or hear, won't hurt you!

Ali (RA) used to shake while doing Wudhu (Ablution). So the other Sahabas would ask "Why are you shaking?" And he replied "Do you know who I'm about to face?"

Subhan Allah look how fearful they were.. They were so scared to stand in front of their creator and look at us.. Some of us don't even bother to go pray.. We forget easily.. :( Its really sad.. Our Ummah should be the best! Mu'sa (AS) wished he had the Ummah of the Prophet (saws)! C'mon people! We should live up to that standard! Be the best Muslims you can be.. 

Be Fearful of the Creator not the Creation..

When you get the time watch this video about Punishment of missing Salah and other things too.. It'll scare you..

Monday, 11 November 2013

Keeping your Iman in tact!

Your Iman is constantly on a Rollar Coaster... Up and then down.. It gets really hard to keep it high all the time..

Here are my tips on trying to get that old Spirit back!

1. When people convert to Islam.. Or just recently learnt about Islam and now their practicing.. they end up losing that first time spirit after a while.. The best thing to try and overcome this is wake up 10 mins before Fajr! Tahajjud prayer which is the night prayer.. This is SubhanAllah when Allah is the closest to us.. He is at the lowest heaven and calls out and says "Which one of my servants is awake and asking for me"
This is the time where NO one is awake.. Its just You, Your prayer mat and Allah.. Just take that time to just let everything out.. Every feeling inside of you.. Honestly let out a cry. I promise you it will help you so much..

2. Remembering Death and the Day of Judgement. When you remember your purpose in this life and exactly what you are doing to fulfil your duty as a Muslim it becomes easy for you follow Allahs Command without question.. When you remember that you will die ANYTIME it scares you because if you die in a state where you have no iman or doing something wrong then what are you going to say??? What will you say to your lord?? If you die and the last words aren't La Illaha Illalla, Then you're in BIG Trouble... You didn't remember Allah on your last breath.. There isn't a more painful death.. Your soul will be ripped out of your body as if you pull thorns through a ball of cotton wool.. Whereas for a believer and I mean a PROPER Practising Believer it will feel like a mosquito bite..A painless death.. You need to die a Mu'min or face Allahs Punishment. Its not easy to go heaven you know! But its soo easy to go to hell..

You make the choice..?


Or this...

I know that remembering or fearing death can be hard seeing as though most of the time the death of someone isn't close to you.. but just think that Do you fear death when you do think about it? If you do, then that means your Iman isn't to the highest it can be, Your belief isn't as strong.. it means that your fearful knowing that your not being the best muslim you can be.. Are you making sacrifices?? Are you researching more about islam to find out things that will make you a better muslim?? Are you even trying to improve yourself? What are you putting first? Your feelings or Allahs orders?? You should think that 'Im ready if death comes to me right now.." But do any of us think that way..

Day of Judgement can be one of the things that also can not make you as fearful.. But if I said to you that most of the signs have come and we have seen and only the major ones are left.. what would you think then?? Still not scared..??

Okay well even if you do die beforehand..Which even I hope I do.. Would you be able to face the grave..? Grave punishment.. Do you know what they are..? The ground will crush your ribs so that they overlap on one another.. The snake.. Think of all the bugs and things that you are terrified of and they will be in that tight space with you..

I might do another post about the punishments of the grave and hell. I think we all need a good scare.. dont you think?

If you knew that this was going to be in your grave would you want to go in there..?

Those snakes wont leave until you get what you earned in this world..

3. The value of time..
Now this one.. Time.. Is the biggest issue that more youth have. Wasting time! Valuable time.. And Honestly I'm guilty of that too.. But some people are to the extreeemmmeee! Like they have no value to their life! Imagine that you are running, your running to your family who are dying and they need water, you have that bucket of water in your hand how fast would you run?? What if that bucket had a hole in it? How would you feel for every drop that was falling on the ground and your trying so hard to make sure one drop doesn't fall.. what would that mean to you?!
That is the exactly what this life is all about.. We are running towards the hereafter.. Whether its the right way or the wrong way we are still all going to end up at the same destination.. But some of us are wasting our time messing about, bring sins along the way.. stopping to have a chat with a guy.. This is a load of rubbish! There are people wayyyy ahead of you! you need to get their fast so you can win your reward right!? Your prize is Jannah! And their are people already taking up your spaces!!.. You would try your best to get there without wasting time because you earned it and you worked hard for it.. Don't waste precious time that you will NEVER get back.. There are people in the Hell fire Screaming for a second chance but Allah will say "Did we not give you all chances in this world?" "Didn't we show you every proof and example?" Yet you STILL denied.. Now who will you blame other than yourself..?

Brothers and sister.. I pray for you all but if your iman is at a low point right now just think that there is sooo much better things to come! Look at what Allah has provided for you in this world and what he is offering in the hereafter!! Money, Education, All the desireable things that you love, Your HEALTH. He has offered a Paradise which you can do ANYTHINGGGG, there will be no guilt nothing, This is only for the people that believed and did righteous deeds.!!!!. Yet we are sooo ungrateful! Look at the people suffering! Allah could have switched our place with them.. But he didn't... Why? because he is testing you to see if after seeing all that is happening and everything he has given to you.. Can you still get up to pray and ask him for forgiveness and thank him... Don't make things hard for yourself.. Islam is Black and white! Following it is easy.. Making yourself choose to follow it is hard..

Can you do that? Or do you just not want to..

You have two places you will end up.. Hell or Heaven.. You make the decision..

Friday, 8 November 2013

Hijab and fashion

Now this topic is such a hot topic dayummmmm! Like WW3 within the sisters.. Now I advise myself before I advise everyone else but seriously there is a limit when you mix fashion with hijab..  There are 2 types of ways you can take this:

1. Wearing hijab but dressing decently that you still look good as you are representing islam in a modest way. 

2. Wearing hijab and you have every colour of the rainbow on you including your face. Camel hump, tight jeans, low cut top, bosoms out! Like WOW. I can tell what cup size you are from a mile away with that top on :| 

So yeah, I mean there are sooooo many debates about hijab and even girls having their own debates about it, but I thought I should give a little bit of advice and just a very open minded opinion and maybe you could agree with me.. 

So I have about 5 points that I would like to clarify... 

1. When girls say "my right, my life, my choice" and "I'm not ready". I'm sorry but this really annoys me. Fair enough hijab is your choice of wearing but exactly what is the choice that you made? You made the choice to follow Allah's command. You are following His order of wearing the hijab. So when girls say "I'm not ready" your basically saying I'm not ready to follow Allahs order yet. -__- seriously? If you say so! 

2. Hijab and makeup: OMDAYS. Okay now there is a limit to the amount of makeup you put on your face.. And I think some people go OVERboard. Like full on eyeshadow, lipstick and all that junk! And its not like it's an occasion is ERRRRDAYYY! Girls it's school not your wedding!! Daym! Makeup does defeat the whole purpose as your beautifying yourself even more when the whole point of hijab is to cover your beauty.. So relax woman! You don't need all that to look beautiful! Natural is the best way! 
 Like just to look decent thats fine because you need to look presentable of course.

 Wow makeup does make a big difference!

3. Hijab and fashion: okay this is a huge topic and people can go on and on about it but I just want to say that I see girls these days wearing the tightest jeans that it looks like it's painted on! Seriously! I even see girls with the tightest tops to go with it! Like I can see everything!!!  What is the point!? The first thing that Allah told us to cover in the Quran is our bosoms THEN our hair! Why do you think that is!? Allah doesn't say these things without a coincidence! It's all for a reason! Another point is the ankles!! Wthhhhh seriously! They role up their trousers that's like the more obvious thing in the book! Cover them! It looks silly!!! Allah knows everything of what you do.. 

4. Hijab and relationships: okay let's take the time to just laugh about this. Seriously this is soo common now that it's considered "normal" I don't even have much to say about this other than take your hijab off if you're going to rub of some guy! Astagfirallah! -__- disgusting 


5. Hijab and character: I think this is the most important point out of all. Sisters, you represent islam more than any other human being.. When you help and elderly , smile at the world you represent islam! Obviously our reputation has gone down the drain thanks to "some girls" (point 4) But You give dawah in that type of way.. Your actions inspire others! When you respect yourself and Allah, of course everyone will respect you! Guys will think twice before approaching you! 
You need to sacrifice pleasures for your reward at the end of the day and honestly that is the best type of reward you can receive trust me.. It's amazing when you do more research on it.. This world isn't worth it.. Don't make yourself cheap. The status of a woman is sooo high that if men knew they would want to be women! People may judge you and call you weird and all but The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Glad tidings to the stranger! So don't worry just know that Allah has something bigger in stock for you in Jannah. 

When you walk towards Allah, He will RUN to you.. Read that again! Your Creator will RUN to YOU! How amazing is that! 

In sha Allah, Allah makes it easier for us to be the best Muslims out there.. But it all works both way.. You need to start putting an effort it to get what you want.. 

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Where to start...

When you have that turning point in your life and you just don't know where to start or what to do the best thing to start with is your Salah..

Yes, Salah is the key to paradise, so if you don't get that fixed, you ain't going no where hunny!

The best way to sort your salah out first is to actually get motivated to pray in the first place. If you have the mentality that you want to 'get it out of the way' they your doing something wrong. Your only intention is to get it over and done with as fast as you can. Now this is were the intention and actual actions don't mean anything.

- When we say 'Get it out of the way' what do we really mean? And exactly what do we mean when we say that..?
Well let me tell you straight!

The whole purpose of Prayer is you worship YOUR CREATOR! This is the God that CREATED you, and you have the nerve to say that.. You're Living and Breathing because of this creator!

Allah says in the Quran "And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me" Surah 51:56

What exactly is Allah saying in this Ayah, it doesn't mean just sit in a cave and pray and read all day and night, it means everything! Everything can be an act of worship whether its charity, fasting, good behaviour, these are all different types of act of worship. 

BUT that doesn't mean that drop your prayer so you can 'help someone out' or you're in the 'middle of a conversation'. Hold up, what's better having a conversation with Allah or having a conversation with your mates??? Really?! 

So yeah, the most time that you should be spending on is your Salah because that would be your key to enter paradise. 

Authentic Hadtih

Have you ever been locked outside your house? Probably? Well the fact is that you know you will be able to get back in with someone else in your family who has a key right? Well the thing with jannah is that you ain't getting in if you don't have your OWN key! -___-

This is totally me.. :(
But anyway, You get what i mean.. I think everyone knows that the prayer is Farj (obligatory) upon us so pleaseeeeee try your hardest to start with that. Even if its just the Farj salah just do it! Trust me this world is nothing and you'll regret it soo much if you dont..

If any of you need help in learning how to pray then please! TELL SOMEOME! its nothing to be embarrassed about and if anyone judges you then tell them to get lost! I will teach you! gosh! But if you want to learn on your own I recommend a book called 'the book of prayer Salah'

This book is amazing and goes into depth! I recommend you get it! it has all the Surahs and the actions for Wudhu and Salah. If you want me to make a post about wudhu or salah let me know and I will :)

In Sha Allah, Allah will help you along the way.. :)

And remember the difference between a believer and a disbeliever is his prayer.. 


Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Testing testing 1.2.3!

Sooo I'm just getting used to this blogging and stuff but I literally have no idea how this works so hear goes..

I see and hear a lot of the youth now days going through a thing called "relationships" I know right stupid but yeah we can't really do much about it other than spread the message indirectly. So the best way for me to let some people know is to recommend watching "Dawah man" and "MuslimYouthMovement" on YouTube !!

Muslim youth movement:
Dawah Man:

They are sooo amazing like OMG I just love their work! Their incredible when spreading the message to the youth in the most direct way. They don't sugar coat anything, they'll say it how it is! 

So check their videos out.. And share them to maybe people who might be going through "relationship" problems.. 


Salam my dear sisters!

Wasssaaaapppp! LOL jokes... 8-)

Welcome to my Blog.. I would like to informally introduce myself...

My name is Natasha and im 18 years old. I currently tutor maths and am studying to be a future Alimah! Yaaay! 

I decided not to go to university as I thought its just too much for me to handle.. I dont think i would be able to cope with the work load and plus your in like a million pound debt! okay, slightly exaggerated but you know what I meannnnnn!

Anywaysssss, I run like little youth circles well im trying to anyway, to get young sisters together and form a little community so we can stand together as muslim women and spread the knowledge of ISLAM! WOO!

lol, but yeah join me on this journey to try and gather as many sisters as I can and just spread islam and also help youngsters to find the deen before getting into the wrong crowds because I know what that's like.. :(

Sometimes when you start from a young age and the deen is inside of you you're able to take on the world without problem! and of course with Allahs Help! In Sha Allah. So this blog is for all the different topics that may be related to this day and age sisters and brothers too! so we can gain iman and pass this worldly test to get to Jannah!

So start sending/comment your requests on what topics you would like me to talk about and legoooo!! 

My Instagram is natasha_leah if your interested in my normal life lol only sisters please
